Biographical Sketch
Dr. Steve Marks helps people become more effective and work together more productively. He focuses primarily on Senior Executive Development through his involvement in TEC (The Executive Committee); strategic planning; teambuilding; interpersonal competence training in organizations and coaching individuals for personal and professional success.
He also has a passion for health and has written a book on diet titled “Nutritional Intelligence: Eating for Life on the 80/20 Plan” and another documenting a personal health “adventure” titled, “Saving Lives: Possibly Yours or Someone You Love” with his partner in life, Denise Rogers.
He has worked with a wide variety of individuals, groups, and organizations. Some of the organizations he has consulted to include: Van City Savings Credit Union, the Canadian Coast Guard, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, ParkLane Homes Ltd., Evergro Canada Inc., Canadian Inovatech Inc., BCR Properties Ltd., UBC Real Estate Corporation, Cartel Communication Systems Inc., and most recently, K-Tec Earthmovers Inc. and Fusion Projects.
In 1992, he retired with emeritus status from a 23 year teaching career at The University of British Columbia in the Department of Counselling Psychology and was the inaugural TEC Chair in Vancouver in 1987. Presently, he chairs four Key Executive Groups.
Steve Marks was born in Vancouver, received his B.A. from The University of British Columbia and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in Counselling Psychology and Personnel and Industrial Management. He was an Applied Behavioural Science Intern at the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioural Science, Bethel, Maine and a past president of the British Columbia Psychological Association.
During his academic career, he co-authored Experiential Learning and Change: Theory, Design and Practice. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1981 which was awarded the Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association “Best Book Award 1981-1983”. He also authored or co-authored over 20 research and professional articles while at the university.